
Hakim x

Hakim, an Egyptian folk singer, was born on October 7, 1962 in Minya Governorate, Egypt.

Biography and life story of celebrity in English.

Basic info wiki card

Name in English: Hakim
Name in Arabic: حكيم
Full real name: Abdel Hakim Abdel Samad Kamel
Nationality: Egypt
Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
Religion: Islam
Date of birth: October 7, 1962
Place of birth: Minya, Egypt
Age: 60 years old (in 2022)
Astrological Sign: Libra
Profession: Singer
Genre: Egyptian Folk Songs
Years of activity: 1989 – until now

Biography, Life story

Hakim was born on October 7, 1962 in Maghagha, Minya Governorate, Egypt. He started singing at the age of ten at school and family parties and gained fame in his hometown. In high school, he came to Cairo to look for an opportunity to sing, so he sang in nightclubs and weddings, and his father tried to keep him away from singing and return to his town to complete his studies, but he did not like it, and he started making his reputation in the field of wedding singing. In 1989, he met the artist Hamid Al Shaeri, who introduced him to one of the production companies, which released his first album, “Nazra”, and it achieved great success and spread.

List of works

Hakim released a group of songs, photos and video clips, and participated in some films.


This valley is sweet, suppose, the fire is the fire, peace be upon you, not one or water.


Dancer and jailer, on Spicy.

Official social media
