Eman Elassi

Eman Elassi x

Eman Elassi (Eman Elassi), an Egyptian actress, was born on August 28, 1985 in Cairo, Egypt.

Biography and life story of celebrity in English.

Basic info wiki card

Name in English: Eman Elassi
Name in Arabic: إيمان العاصي
Nationality: Egypt
Language: Arabic, Egyptian dialect
Religion: Islam
Date of birth: August 28, 1985
Place of birth: Cairo, Egypt
Age: 38 years (in 2022)
Astrological Sign: Leo
Profession: actress
Genre: Egyptian Drama
Years of activity: 2003 – until now
Social status: divorced
Ex-husband: Nabil Samir Zanussi (2010 – 2010)
Sons: Ritaj

Biography, Life story

Eman Elassi - Eman Elassi

Eman Elassi was born on August 28, 1985 in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. Her studies before art were business administration. Her art work came by chance when I went to take a set of pictures of her, and when the photographer finished photographing her, he found that there was a picture among the pictures that he liked, so he asked her to publish it in a women’s magazine. Iman agreed as long as the image is respectful and expresses it. The photo was published in the magazine, then director Khaled Bahgat saw it on the magazine cover and nominated it for the series “Yesterday La Yamout” in front of the artist Raghda and Riyadh Al-Khouli. The nomination came because of the similarity between them. Where Iman played the role of the artist’s daughter Raghda in the series. It was not in the scheme of “Iman” direction to art at all. Until she was nominated again by the director “Haitham Haqqi” for the series “Dreams in the Gate” in front of the artist “Samira Ahmed”. Then, she participated in the series “A Man and Two Women” in front of the artist Dalal Abdel Aziz and Farouk Al-Fishawy and played the role of their daughter. Then, she participated in the series “The Call of Farah” in front of the artist Samira Ahmed again. Until the real opportunity for Iman came when the director “Rabab Hussein” nominated her for the series “Hazrat Al Muthham Abi Abi” in front of the artist Nour Al Sharif. Although Iman is busy at this stage. However, director “Rabab Hussein” insisted on her, so she waited when she finished all her work to convince the director of her.

Eman Elassi - Eman Elassi

Personal and emotional life

Iman Al-Assi married businessman “Nabil Samir Zanussi” in 2010, and announced her retirement from acting, but she separated from him only 3 months after the marriage contract, after she edited a report at the Sheikh Zayed City Police Department, accusing her husband of kidnapping her and detaining her in his apartment, and she returned to act again. She bore him one daughter, Ritaj.

List of works – Filmography

Iman Al-Asi has participated in a number of works, most of which are TV series.


A legitimate right, a man and two women, a lineage case, dreams at the gate, a call to joy, the accused, my father, a transit prisoner, a thief’s prank, a rattlesnake at NASA, Al-Adham, the escape, 9 Jamiat Al-Dawwal, Al-Rakin.

Official social media


Eman Elassi Pictures

Eman Elassi - Eman Elassi Eman Elassi - Eman Elassi Eman Elassi - Eman Elassi Eman Elassi - Eman Elassi Eman Elassi - Eman Elassi Eman Elassi - Eman Elassi Eman Elassi - Eman Elassi